Just Imagine!

Imagination is as much a thief of time as procrastination. The difference is that imagination gives you something wonderful to show for the time it steals, while the time stolen by procrastination is merely wasted and gone forever. I discovered…

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Purposeful Poetry

I’ve been reading and writing and thinking about poetry a lot lately. I’ll soon have enough for another book. What I’ve been thinking about has been its construction. In many ways it’s a lot like writing an essay. It has…

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Playing Chess

[If you read my blog post last week about free association, you will recognize the same principle at work in this post. The trigger for writing this was my husband, John, crowing about winning a game in an online chess…

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Someone once asked me where I get my ideas from. In other words, where does creativity come from? Two different questions, really. My ideas come from others’ stories, family lore, newspaper articles, books and other places. Wherever I can hook…

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